Born to be King
After the long wait... the time is almost up... our time here... our time... in Brunei... some of us will be leaving early, that includes me and Ciwi, the Director. Ciwi had left on the 15th September 2009, which is yesterday... and I... I'll be leaving TODAY, the 16th September 2009. It will be the most historic day of my life... because I believe everything will change after today... everything... regardless, the cause will remains the same... keep on track and keep fighting for the cause... why are we sent there? that's the main cause, to study hard for our Degree, perhaps Masters as well, so that when we come back to Brunei, we can make Brunei a better place for everyone...
Us, the new generation of youngsters are the future of Brunei, we are the ones who's going to set the course of Brunei's future... for better or worst, it's all up to us... so lets work our very best for better Brunei! CHAIYO!
And so, the adventure continues on to the United Kingdom, a land far from our own. A country where the people are different, as well as the culture and environment. A whole new beginning for most of us... and for me, the journey starts NOW... 16th September 2009... 8.00 PM...
(Photo courtesy of Wadud Hamdani : one of the photos at my Majlis Doa Selamat)
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