"When TWO or MORE people coordinate in a spirit of harmony and work toward a definite objective or purpose, they place themselves in position, through the ALLIANCE, to absorb POWER directly from the great storehouse of Infinite Intelligence."
Rich industrialist like Henry Ford, Thomas Edison and Harvey Firestone back during the industrial revolution formed an alliance in which they meet regularly in their winter mansions. Through this alliance, they have become prominent figures and had achieved success in each of their respective discipline. Napoleon first wrote on this subject of allying oneselves with powerful people and it known as a "Mastermind Group".
I have a mastermind group and it is called ESCARGO.....
I didn't realize I had one untill I stumble across this principle in Jack Canfield's book; "The success principles"

I shared my founding with the officers last saturday before we had a doa selamat ceremony and a grand entrance to Nabeh's house. I believe by holding yourself with a group of positive friends would enrich your lives further. Not just you, but for the whole group. Contohya?
The Scholarship and UK... Each of us lands on a scholarship scheme and everyone is studying abroad. We have those in BSP, MOE, DANA and recently the SULTAN"S SCHOLAR scheme. The network is broad and it would empower the alliance and individuals further. I can imagine when the ESCARGO officers reach 40 and we'll have a meeting in one of the C.E.O's mansions or the World Class Director's Restaurant. Hold on to friends who generate positive energies to your lives and you will in turn be enrich with it's positive stream of energy, thus UNLOCKING your fullest potential.
Do you have a mastermind group? If not, find a few friends, rope up and keep it running. and most importantly, HOLLLDDD ON to it....

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