Assalammu'alikum~ ^^
It has been a while after my last post~ apologies for that~ been busy with settling in Loughborough, housing, room, University scheule, shopping, visits, events... ahahaha but enough with that and on to my story, my first step to United Kingdom and my first wonderful friends and wonderful moments... ^^
Just before we landed, the sun rises over a thick layer of cotton candy like clouds... The orange red illumiation just over the horizon. The sight was magnifcet... breathtaking... I feel like I was reborn... feels like a sign of a new beginning... a fresh start... ehehehehe ^^

The Sunrise
Anyway, there I was with my completely new friends, there were 10 of us... well actually 11 freshers, but one girl straight away went for Bradford (alum ku sempat kenalan sama ia XP)... so the10 of us, the boys: me, Muiz, Faizun and Azmi; while the girls are: Fathiyah, Hayatul, Nurhazimah, Yuny, Izzati and Zatil. Thou we just know each other, we get along pretty well~ a wonderful group XD we hung out together at Brunei Hall, we went (walk) around the area together (mesra lah~ ahahahaha XD) cool group~ I guess no other students of a same flight ever experiance the bond we had, a wonderful one ^^
Here are several photos we had:

B : Fathiyah, me, Muiz. F : Kaka Gmah, Yunnie, Zatay, Zatil, Hayatool, Azmi at Brunei Hall Lobby

Faizun, me, Azmi, Yunnie, Zatil, Zatay, Kaka Gmah, Fathiyah, Hayatul in front of Brunei Hall

Us while walking around London XP
Out of the 10 of us, 1 went to Loughborough (me), 2 went to Bradford (Muiz and Zatil), 3 went to Nottingham (Fathiyah, Hayatul and Azmi) and 4 went to Cardiff (Kaka Gmah, Yunnie, Zatay and Faizun). All the best to everyone~ and do have fun~ and and and update me through you facebook^^
We have done it... now it's yur turn... ahahahaha study hard, achieve excellent grades, apply for scholarship and hope to see you around United Kingdom~ hahahaha XD
(Photos courtesy of Hayatul)
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