Sunday, December 13, 2009
If Everyone Care
Friday, December 11, 2009
I'm on leave
Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Wednesday, December 2, 2009
No Pain No Gain
It's been a while, been VERY BUSY for the past two weeks.. TOO MUCH assignments,,
To me the past two weeks has been a test and I've learn two things:
1)LAST MINUTE IS A POWERFUL DRIVE, but it is JUST NOT WORTH IT!!! U'll eventually hand-in something but mcam stakat ada sja.. There's no Satisfaction knowing that the assignment could be MUCH MUCH MUCH MORE better...
2)no PAIN, no GAIN..
One of the assignment I have to hand is an individual marketing project on a sprint car that me and two other mates built..
The following is our story( the essay I have to Hand-in):

No Pain, No Gain
The phrase “No Pain, No Gain”, its one of the common sayings we can see around us. I question however, on how many have understood and how significant is that saying on one’s life. The entry that is submitted reflects upon the saying. It is a poster to promote the premiere opening of a new blockbuster hit. The centre of the poster shines “Bravo one”, a sprint car designed and built by 3 young aspiring engineers to be competed into a race of the fastest. It is supposedly produced by The Godfather Entertainment Co., filmed at the University Of Sheffield, reviewed by leading critics of the entertainment industry and is based upon a true story.
I had initially decided to create a short 10 minute video depicting the process of building Bravo One. More of a documentary covering the technical aspect and drama present in building the model in a entertaining manner, something close to MTV’s “Pimp My Ride”. However a lot of manpower is required to create such video. Though all of the guys in team 13 likes the concept of the idea, the project remains an idividual project and must be done by one man. Thus I’ve decided to submit another important aspect of a movie: the premiere poster advert to represent the promotional piece of Bravo One.
There are two criteria that must be met in creating this promotional piece; creativity and effectiveness. I am sure that this piece(a promotional poster intended for the movie of the sprint car) is different from a typical poster advert that is intended for magazines or newspaper; a leading point on creativity. However, the effectiveness of this promotional piece remains to be questioned. Suppose a toy car like Bravo One is on sale , I doubt that a company would create a movie to reach its initial sales target upon release. It is financially challenging. However after few months being in the market, I believe that a a documentary or movie might boost up the sales of the specific toy car. The public especially fans of the stars in the movie might be prompted to purchase such vehicle though they have no professional intend to race such sprint car in a competition. Furthermore such form of promotional piece literally targets everyone. Therefore this form of promotion might somehow be effective.
What I would remember most is not the success in building it but rather the frustation felt everytime our model breaks and doesnt move so as the hardship faced everytime the model has to be re-design. Though we could not meet the final distance required, victory was sweet as a custard strawberry pie when it finally accelerates. It is quite a known fact that the light bulb was finally created after 2000 failures. The expereince in building Bravo One made me appreciate that fact. Something to be remembered upon embarking my professional career as an engineer; “No Pain, No Gain”.
P.s: Thanx to Adri for showing me the magic a photoshop can do
P.s.s: IDK why the 1st part is underlines...